Thursday, June 25, 2015


Khumbu (also known as the Everest Region) is a region of northeastern Nepal on the Nepalese side of Mount Everest. It is part of the Solukhumbu District, which in turn is part of the Sagarmatha Zone. Khumbu is one of three subregions of the main Khambu (specially Thulung) and Sherpa settlement of the Himalaya, the other two being Solu and Pharak. It includes the town of Namche Bazaar as well as the villages of ThameKhumjung,PangbochePheriche and Kunde. The famous Buddhist monastery at Tengboche is also located in the Khumbu.

Lonely Planet has ranked Khumbu region in sixth best region in the world to travel.
The Khumbu is a glacier believed to be the result of the last great Ice Age, ~500,000 years ago.

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